Wednesday, January 20, 2010

My Birthday...On the Day

So of coarse birthdays is just another day. But i had to go to work. I remember last year nothing much happend other then a few people annouced over the intercom "happy bday heidi"...and the year before they got me cake and annouced over the intercom. Oh that year was special! With cake and all. But this year was total different. .....I got a dog a few weeks before for my birthday named Deija. I love her to death! I couldn't wait. And then we have the celebration of my party of my party with lil boy, which i adore him, read below. And then yesterday my birthday I go to work and i clean. I get a few people tell me happy birthday and thats it. I am 24 and its my birthday. hello? not 'one' annouced over the intercom. Well thats a grocery store for you. haha! my work, eh? been there for 4 years. So i go home and my husband asks me what do you want for dinner? I said crab legs! any will do. not picky. we dont have much money so any. so we search on the net and nothing for a cheap price in buffet land. So Olive Garden here we come. Out the door and its raining cats and dogs. Were still driving and never made it to the olive garden. Instead Applebees. I had a wonderful Cheeseburger and Fries and ranch. awesome! Today i will get my cheesecake ice cream with crumbles of cheesecake. Im waiting for it to happend.....

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