Sunday, November 7, 2010

Poor Deija.....I love her so much!

Lately Deija legs hasn't been up to full doggie workable terms. Her legs has been jitter'ie (her back ones). Not all the time but maybe for a few seconds everyday. Cant say how long it last- Aprrox. 2 minutes, and it can go longer or shorter. She's been slipping on out floors a little bit more. (we dont have carpet floors) The past week she has the diahhara. Ive been cleaning her poor butt everyday. Between wipes and spraying it witha hose. I called the vet to see what to do. The told me to come in, I said i have no money and the recommended 'canned pumpkin' one spoonful. So i do that. But she hates the taste! A dog that loves human food hates pumpkin. Well thats all folks. We dont know how much longer Deija will live. Until Deija can't walk......we dont want to let her suffer.